Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Research Articles

Is HGH Hiding Steroid Use? by Bob Nightengale


Citation: Nightengale, B. (2007, September 12). Is HGH hiding steroid use?. USA Today, p. 1.

Baseball's Steroid Era by T.J. Quinn


Citation: Quinn, T.J. (2007, August). Baseball's steroid era. Men's Fitness, [23(6)], 128-132.

The Juice is Loose by Lou Schuler


Summary of Is HGH Hiding Steroid Use?

Major League Baseball players are finding a way to avoid positive steroid test by using human growth hormone. Gary Wadler of the World Anti-Doping Agency believes that athletes are using HGH, which there is no reliable test for, to hide their steroid use. Using HGH allows players to take lower levels of anabolic steroids, which means they may not be detected when tested. Players often use steroids during the offseason and then using HGH during the season, to maintain. MLB has banned the use of HGH and is helping fund a study to detect the drug.

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