Wednesday, September 5, 2007

They Say/I Say Example 1

In this article the author is showing what "They Say," in this case, Hillary Clinton's promise to not cut Social Security benefits or raise the retirement age, or privatize the taxpayer funded Social Security system. The author continues to explain what will happen if this promise were to happen. The author shows that if this were to happen, over a 75 year horizon, Social Security would have an obligation of $15.6 trillion dollars in present day dollars. So what the author is getting at is that if Hillary Clinton was able to carry out this promise, people under 35 will most likely not see any Social Security money.,1,6510396.story?coll=chi_breaking_500

The above article, about the six nuclear warheads that flew over the US, only shows what the author says, because of the fact that they do not know exactly how the warheads were allowed to fly within the US.


Bridget O'Rourke said...

It seems that in the first example, "They" are the members of the AARP. Even though "they" may be pleased with Clinton's promise, the editors are saying that such a promise is irresponsible--and the editors tell us why.

Bridget O'Rourke said...

In the second example, it seems that this article is responding to what "they" (the US government) say about the possibility of our own nuclear warheads being used to attack the US. "They Say" it's impossible; but the events described in the article suggest it's not.

There's usually not a clear "I" in a newspaper article, but it's interesting to try to figure out the editorial perspective. Do you have a sense of the editorial stance of this article?

Anonymous said...

I'd actually have to disagree with Dr. O'Rourke here. While I do believe she has a good idea on how you could see the "They say, I say", I'm looking at it more so as Clinton being the "They say" while the writer is being the "I say". It explains first how Hillary Clinton promised something to the American people, but then turned over to the writer explaining how this promise would be ineffective, causing the American people trillions of dollars of debt.

Gazing Forth said...
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Gazing Forth said...

I don't like Hillary Clinton. She looks like a fish.

I'm concerned for social security. It's being thrown around like a ragdoll, and quite frankly, I'd like to know that I have a little aide in the financial aspect of my retirement days.

Well, if we hold our breath real hard and cross our fingers real tight, Barack Obama will become El Presidente and will make all the problems of America disappear.

Am I putting too much pressure on Obama?
